sábado, 6 de março de 2010

Extreme Noise Terror " Being and Nothing "

Destructive, infamous, cruel blasts from a horrifying horizon... There’s no pity for your hears and no rest for your soul as you understand that Hell has broken loose around you! Will you beg for pity? Will you try to find out why are you’re being tormented beyond belief? hehe One doesn’t have to be a genius to understand that ENT is the hateful reason for your bloody ears and melting brain...
The two vocalists ( wonder why... ) shred the patterns of a rather coherent horizon with their pouding grawls and ghostly shrieks that satisfy the most common of deathmetallers as insanely perverted rhythms form a poisonous atmosphere of growing horror...
Having on this Cd, a very well known guitarrist ( Gian Pyres from that notorious outfit that curse the Universe under a not so holy monicker as Cradle of Filth ) handling the leads, we’re faced with all the hatred and chaos that he can’t portray on his other band, which is very fucking well received by me as it isn’t every day that one hears such quality songs... This is Grind/Death at it’s best ( although sometimes the riffs may sound a bit overdone ) knocking from their feets those little worms that only try to portray image rather than musical skills!!!
Recently, Displeased Records has licensed this Cd ( as well Opeth’s three albums Morningrise, Orchid & My Arms Your Hearse ) for a special limited vynil version ( the ENT is on a single version and Opeth’s on a double one ). Worth cheking out for those fanatics about this sort of things...

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