sábado, 6 de março de 2010

Groinchurn “ Whoami ”

Who tries to express the quality ( or lack of it ) of a band refering to the country from where they come from without even giving their release a fair listenning, probably will find out that Groinchurn, hailing us from a rather obscure ( in metal related musical terms ) South Africa, gives the underground a rather thick blow through 13th songs captured on their latest release, “ Whoami “. When first listenning to it, I was rather impressed as it felt as Brutal Truth never ended, only flew from the USA to another country, changed their name and continued their psicotic and ferocious crusade against all that are given to us by a fucked up society or government ( hey? Maybe, yours is like that... I know that in Portugal, the socialist government sucks ) as true ( although, I’m not saying that their lyrics are all about that... hehe)!
Bounding some ferocious and psychotic elements such as Grindcore, Hardcore and Death ( without forgeting a certain groovy feeling ) they’ve come up with a sound that is described by the band itself as South Africore - aggression, energy and a whole lot of noise...
Using some samples ( mostly talking movie parts ) from time to time just to add some other dimension to their music, one can feel absorbed by their rage and intensity as every song gives us strike after strike, the punishment that silence deserves!
They are one of the best Grind/Core bands around, so... just take a dive into this south african phenomenon and forget that misconception ( if you have one ) that quality comes from only a particular place of the globe! One just has to put our soul in front of the $$!

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