sábado, 6 de março de 2010

The Vision Bleak “The deathship has a new captain”

As we enter the cobwebbed chambers created by two eerie performers ( Allen B. Konstanz and Ulf Theodor Schwadorf from Empyrium fame ) of a long created yet ever omnipresent spectral path, we’re greeted by a very special host. One that sends chills through our spine with his melancholic voice yet salutes us with such grace that no one is incapable to stop eagering for what is still to come… Otto Mellies is a well known german actor who has done Christopher Lee’s voice – offs in all his movies even in “Lord of the rings” and his presence in this phantasmagoric introduction to the band’s concept remember us of all those old horror movies where science gave place to the shadowy gardens of a supernatural lunacy.
Falling into the scentful pathway of a Gothic/Rock/Metal spectrum ( considered as Horror – Metal by the band itself ), The Vision Bleak invites us first into a night of horror where one will find those of ungraceful form, those of a ghastly philosophy and those of no morality… “Night of the living dead” is a song that induces us to a certain thread of emotions where fear strikes the most…
The one mentioned above is one of the most powerful songs of the album alongside with “Wolfmoon”, “Horror of Antarctica” and “The deathship symphony”. Such songs are just perfect to adorn us on a night of creepy weather where imagination is feeble and glances at darkness with apprehension. A time to beware of all that wanders through shadows…
Immersed in such theatrical imaginary, we’re conducted through the tales of such great writers as H. P. Lovecraft and Washington Irving as well of some directors as Friedrich Murnau, George Waggner, George Romero and John Carpenter.
Their first full release was recorded and mixed at Klangschmiede Studio E and one could describe it as a battle through a chilling environment where they let us know their view of the darkest side of music, having as influences the soundtrack of old horror movies from the Universal and Hammer studios, yet maintaining an aggressive approach.
One curious thing is that their first video “Wolfmoon”, which can be seen in their site (http://www.the-vision-bleak.de/ ) is also the first video ever released by their label, Prophecy Productions. Filmed in a brownish colour, it has some excerpts from the classic horror movie “The Wolf Man” (1941) starring Lon Chaney Jr.
In a whole, this is something you shouldn’t be afraid of for there aren’t that much jewels cast in darkness which prevails in one’s memory since the first time one sees (hears) it…

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